MBA Guide

I have gathered some links which will assist you in your GMAT preparation and some sample files of the projects I have prepared throughout my MBA. Hope that helps.

GMAT links:

Sample MBA project files:

Subject: Strategic marketing

Project: a strategic marketing of “ Breakfast in America” an American Diner in Paris

File: breakfastinAmerica.pdf

Subject: Special Topics in Finance

Project: A study on the Healthcare Sector with an influence on Two major contributors,

Pfizer and Merck

File: Pfizer and Merck.pdf

Subject: Market Research

Project: A marketing research study on the attitudes of graduates towards TV

File: Attitudes TV.pdf

Subject: Strategic management

Project: A study on Marks and Spencer and their strategy

File: M&S.pdf

Project: A study on the Airline industry, the factors affecting it

A focus on Emirates Airlines and their strategy

File: Emirates.pdf

Subject: Brand Management

Project: A Branding presentation for the country Serbia.

File: BrandingSerbia.pdf

Project: A branding plan for “Sohat”,the Lebanese mineral waterrrrr, to be brought to France.

File: Sohat.pdf